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Wednesday, September 10, 2003


My mother is truly vile, and in vile I mean horribly cheap. The word "cheapskate" would be an understatement. I mean, here I am wearing this ratty old sweater (ok, so "ratty" would be a bit of an exaggeration.) But still-- old, is not. And, is it maybe possible that I grew over the summer? Maybe. Duh!!! Of course it's possible. And then and then, instead of saying "Damn that sweater is small.", she notices my pants (also getting too small), and she says "You're wearing fresh pants?!?!? Why don't you wera the ones you were wearing yesterday?!?!??!?!?" "Uh, because there's a STAIN on them." "Where?"

Where??? Do you really need to see if I SAY there's a stain on them??? Goddd!!!

-Dominique @ 4:11 PM

Tuesday, September 09, 2003


Hm, am back from Cali yay. Had mucho fun, but now I have to go back to schooool.... no. I really do not want to. Blah.

-Dominique @ 12:39 PM